Mar 23, 2008

Don't Just Put Flowers in the Vase!

"Oh, nice flowers, but why is there an artichoke in the vase? Oh, wait there's two... no, three!" Gasped my dear husband looking at our luncheon table this morning.
"Yes, darling you are so observant, there are 3 artichokes in the flower arrangement." I respond, while I rush around preparing the appetizers, Henry underfoot, my oldest son rolling his eyes, like 'why ask dad,' and the twins speaking in loud squeaky voices in excitement and sugar overload on chocolate and sugary marshmellow! Tugging on my apron all at the same time! I think it's normal for artichokes in the flowers to be frank. Once I had a whole bushell of carrots upside down with their greenery flowing over the top of the vase. How 'appropo' for Easter ... ah, bunnies and all. I so believe in expanding ones world, and,

"...don't just put flowers in the flower vase."

is a metaphor to live with, don't you? I mean what else can we do? How about placing garden furniture inside and crystal chandeliers outside hanging from the large old oak tree. What about live, yes, swimming fish as a dinner center piece and napkins torn from scraps of linen... Oh yes... So I went on a hunt for some simple oversized placemats so I didn't cover my lovely wood table with a tablecloth... and of course I didn't find the placemats so this morning I opened my fabric stock closets and found lovely linens in a few appropriate colors and 'whalah' instant napkins. I didn't bother stitching the edges, and of course I went further and ripped large pieces of linen; sandwiched cotton batting inbetween the layers and oh-me-gawsh, I have my placemats. Not finished of course, and just lovely. I folded and ironed them and tied chocolate (what else) color satin ribbon bows....
I somehow favor raw sticks, ivy, green moss, birds and all things with a natural twist. In that flower arrangement, along with those artichokes, are bunches of willow sticks... all curvy and wrapped into the flowers. Oh and of course I came across natural sticks of cinnamon, I think on my hunt for the peppercorns... and naturally stuck them into the flowers too!
A lovely concoction I dare say... Well, it all worked, what with those frayed linen edges, bits of sticks and raw cinnamon, oh and the artichokes!

1 comment: said...

It won't work in actual fact, that is what I suppose.